Schaefer Greenhouses Chicago Area Interior Plants and Design

aerial viewSchaefer Interior Plants Aerial ViewSchaefer Greenhouses, Inc., in business for over 80 years, is proud to provide their customers with personalized service, unique design and the highest quality product. With over 200,000 square feet of production under glass, Schaefer’s is an established retail and wholesale grower of plants and flowers serving Chicago and the surrounding communities. Our Interior Plants and Design Department provides service throughout the Chicagoland area. We are located just south of Aurora, in Montgomery Illinois (IL) at the corner of Aucutt Road and Route 31.

As a fourth generation family owned and operated business, Schaefer’s is dedicated to their business and takes pride in serving their customers with the respect and dedication they deserve.

Interior Plants and Design Mission Statement

Establishing leadership in each department by working hard, being innovative, growing and selling the best quality products at the fairest prices.

Offering to our customers the very best service by providing for their needs in a pleasant, knowledgeable and efficient manner.

Involving our employees in the creation and implementation of ideas that they can be an integral part of our growing company

Our Customers

While Schaefer Greenhouses believes that our employees are our greatest asset, the cornerstone of our business is our commitment to deliver quality products and services to our customers through an organization whose number one priority is customer satisfaction. In short, our customers are the most important people in our business.

Whether we are dealing with our customers in person or over the telephone, our customers are never considered an interruption of our work, but rather the purpose for our organization. They are deserving of the most courteous and attentive treatment that we can give them.

Customers are the life blood of our business.

Schaefer Interior Plants & Design Services

Interior Plantscape Service:

  • Plant Rental – Short & Long Term
  • Plant Sales
  • Seasonal Flower Programs
  • Guarantee & Maintenance of Leased & Owned Plants
  • Container Rentals & Sales
  • Free Consultation & Design Services
  • Installation
  • Maintenance of all live or permanent foliage

Flower Service:

  • Fresh Cut Flowers – FTD & Teleflora
  • Blooming Plant Programs
  • Orchids and Bromeliad Programs
  • Corporate Gift Baskets
  • Gourmet Baskets

Holiday and Seasonal Displays:

  • Display Rental & Purchase
  • Free Consultation & Design Services
  • Installation & Takedown Services
  • Storage

Schaefer Interior Plants & Design Service Technicians

We are very proud of our highly skilled and knowledgeable staff and the commitment all employees have to Schaefer and our customers.

  • All employees experience ongoing training to constantly improve their skill and expand their knowledge.
    Consistent service yields the best results – period.
  • The same technician will service your account each week, on the same day of the week at roughly the same time of day.
  • All technicians wear the Schaefer uniform of green oxford shirt with logo and company name and khaki pants.
  • All employees carry a cellular phone to maintain constant communication and speedy responses.
  • By assigning technicians to specific accounts, the technician develops a sort of specialized knowledge of the account for continued success of the interiorscape.
  • All accounts and technicians are subject to a regular scheduled account review to maintain the high quality standards that Schaefer is know for.

Schaefer Interior Plants & Design Account Executive

Robin Pyrchalla, LEED AP
630.561.5613 Cellular

Robin has an AAS Degree in Ornamental Horticulture and a two-year internship at Brookfield Zoo. Her focus was on greenhouse management and interior displays in animal exhibits with a pesticide applicator’s license. With over 12 years experience in the industry, Robin has worked as a service technician, performed the duties of a service technician supervisor and found her niche as an account executive before moving onto sales and finally department manager. In this capacity, she is able to rely on her extensive experience and judgment to meet clients custom needs and to strengthen the client/vendor relationship into a working partnership. Robin is also very active in the US Green Building Council and Northern Illinois Chapter of IFMA.

Schaefer’s can create and maintain your corporate plantscape with professional care. Interior plants add beauty and provide a healthy work environment.